West Bridgewater MA
Website: stannswb.com
The Church of Saint Ann
"The Little Church That Could...and DID"
West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Parish Office: 508-586-4880
Faith Formation Teachers Wanted
With the start of faith formation coming in a few weeks, we are urgently seeking catechists
(teachers) for the following classes.
Sunday 8:20-9:20 am at St. John: Grades 1, 3, 4
Sunday 5-6 pm at St. Ann: Grades 6 and 8
Sunday 7:15-8:15 at St. Ann: Grades 9 and 10
Monday 4:30-5:30 at St. Ann: Grades 1 and 3
Tuesday 4:30-5:30 at St. John: Grades 1, 2, 5
Wednesday 4:30-5:30 at St. John: Grades 6 and 7
All materials and lesson support will be provided. You are welcome to team up with a
friend if you would like.
As Fr. Paul says, if you love Jesus and love our young people, then you are qualified!
If you are interested, please email Matt Brady at directorofministries.tic@gmail.com
Classes will begin on September 22 and run until April 16. Payment is not due until classes
start, so the online system will not be open until August. It's not listed on the form, but you
do have the option to homeschool your child(ren) if the scheduled classes do not work with your
schedule. If you have any questions, please email Matt Brady at directorofministries.tic@gmail.com
Grades 1-5 Sundays 8:20-9:20 am @ St. John
Grades 1-5 Mondays 4:30-5:30 pm @ St. Ann
Grades 1-5 Tuesdays 4:30-5:30 pm @ St. John
Grades 6-8 Sundays 5-6 pm @ St. Ann
Grades 6-8 Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 pm @ St. John
Grade 9 Sundays 7:15-8:15 pm @ St. Ann
Grade 10/Confirmation Sundays 7:15-8:15 pm @ St. Ann
***REGISTRATION FORM 2024-2025***
A note on Confirmation- as many of you are aware, the archdiocese made the decision a few months
ago to change the grade of Confirmation from grade 10 to grade 8. In making this decision,
they have given us until 2027 to fully implement this change. Therefore, we have decided not
to make any changes to our Confirmation program for the upcoming year while we work to build
a program that is designed for 8th graders and develop a high school youth ministry program.
Confirmation will remain in 10th grade for this year, and we will update you on the process as we develop our plan.
CONFIRMATION - Week of May 12th
Congratulations to the 52 young people who will be Confirmed in our two parishes the week of May 12th! May the Holy Spirit be with you and help you grow closer to Jesus.
Congratulations to the 21 children who received their First Communion at the 4 pm
and 11:30 Masses on May 4th and May 5th! We are very proud of you! Our remaining children will receive their sacrament on May 19th and June 1st.
MUSIC AT THE 6:15 Mass
As faith formation ends for the summer, we will no longer have our monthly Teen Mass,
but we will continue to have music monthly at the 6:15 Mass on the following dates:
May 19th (Pentecost)
June 2nd (Corpus Christi)
July 14th
The Teen Mass will resume in the fall.
The newest addition to our Lending Library at St. John is a whole shelf of books for our young parishioners.
Right now we have some books about the saints, Pope Francis and some lent things, but we hope we will be able
to add to our collection.
Stop by and check it out and borrow a book! If you have any religious kids books you
would like to donate, please email Matt Brady.
A note on Confirmation- as many of you are aware, the archdiocese made the decision a few months ago to change the grade of Confirmation from grade 10 to grade 8. In making this decision, they have given us until 2027 to fully implement this change. Therefore, we have decided not to make any changes to our Confirmation program for the upcoming year while we work to build a program that is designed for 8th graders and develop a high school youth ministry program. Confirmation will remain in 10th grade for this year, and we will update you on the process as we develop our plan.
As faith formation ends for the summer, we will no longer have our monthly Teen Mass, but we will continue to have music monthly at the 6:15 Mass on the following dates:
May 19th (Pentecost)
June 2nd (Corpus Christi)
July 14th
The Teen Mass will resume in the fall.
The newest addition to our Lending Library at St. John is a whole shelf of books for our young parishioners. Right now we have some books about the saints, Pope Francis and some lent things, but we hope we will be able to add to our collection.
Stop by and check it out and borrow a book! If you have any religious kids books you would like to donate, please email Matt Brady.
EASTER MARCH 31st 2024
July 26th St. Ann's Day Celebration
This was our first Christmas Pageant since covid, and it was a smashing success! Thank you to all the cast and
their families for all their hard work. All the kids did awesome! Special thanks to Tina Anthony for her work
as our director, and to her assistants Chris Baker and Karla Berlo. And to Santa and Mrs. Claus for making the
trip down from the North Pole. We had so much fun we are already planning to go bigger and better next year!
"Hello everyone! My name is Matt Brady and I am very excited to be joining you as the new Director of Ministries.
I have a master's degree in theology from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and an undergraduate degree from
Salve Regina University. I spent the past three years at St. Denis in Westwood, where I led a revitalization of
their faith formation program and family ministry and helped guide the parish through Covid.
I am looking forward to working with all of you, especially the families, to grow and strengthen our Together in Christ Collaborative."
Mission Statement
The goal of the Religious Education Program at the Together In Christ Collaborative is to bring, through
catechesis and prayer, the message of Jesus Christ and His Church to all members of the community.
It is its aim to help students acquire and develop their own Catholic, Christian faith, so that our parish
community and its members may truly witness to the Good News of Our Lord, Jesus. All of our efforts are meant
to support parents as the primary religious educators of their children. We provide formal religious
education that builds upon the everyday lived experience of the faith that is shared in your homes and at Sunday Mass.
We are a welcoming Parish, with our doors open to all God's children.
Matt Brady
Director of Ministries
Weekday Office Hours @ Rectory – 9:00am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri
Matt Brady
Director of Ministries
Weekday Office Hours @ Rectory – 9:00am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri