West Bridgewater MA
Website: stannswb.com

The Church of Saint Ann
"The Little Church That Could...and DID"
West Bridgewater, Massachusetts
Parish Office: 508-586-4880

Saint Ann's Parish strives to provide for the needs of parishioners and
non-parishioners alike through the work of its committees made up of individuals like you. This notice is to
provide information about each group, to invite parishioners of all ages to offer their talents to advance
the work of these groups, and to encourage those who have particular needs to avail themselves of the services
provided by these committees. Please let us hear from you!
***Ministry Spotlight: Bereavement Ministry
This team works with grieving families to plan funerals and provide pastoral support during the grieving period.
We also need people to help Fr. Paul during funeral Masses.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound/Nursing Homes
We have a small team of Eucharistic ministers who regularly visit those who are homebound and some of the local nursing homes to bring Communion and provide pastoral care. We would like to expand this group and better coordinate the team to better minister to this population.
Family Life Ministry
The Ministry is being revived after being dormant for several years. It will be responsible for planning events for our families, including fun activities, parent formation nights and service projects
This year we are bringing back altar servers. Any child in grade 3 or higher is welcome as are any adults who would like to serve in this role. There will be a training session on October 22 after the 9:30 Mass. Please email Matt Brady to sign up. If you can't make the training, that's ok, just email Matt to make an alternate time to meet.
The Together in Christ Collaborative CHOIR wants you!
You do not have to read music. You do not have to have experience. You do not have to audition. If you sing along from the congregation on Sundays then you are qualified!
Rehearsals will begin on Thursday nights in September.
For more info contact our music director, Rich at richcesarini@gmail.com.
*** Disciples of Hospitality
Our collaborative Disciples of Hospitality play an important role in our parishes by creating opportunities for parishioners to socialize and get to know each other. As we start the new year, we are looking to work on new ways to make this happen.
All parishioners are welcome to join us.
For questions, please email or call Matt in the office.
The Catholic Women's Group will start meeting again. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, March 8th.
beginning with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at 12:00 noon at Saint John. All are welcome, bring a friend!
For more information, contact Jeanne MacDonald - 508-807-1823

Matt Brady
Deacon of Ministries
Contact Info:
508-378-4207 or
"Hello everyone! My name is Matt Brady and I am very excited to be joining you as the new Director of Ministries. I have a master's degree in theology from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and an undergraduate degree from Salve Regina University. I spent the past three years at St. Denis in Westwood, where I led a revitalization of their faith formation program and family ministry and helped guide the parish through Covid.
I am looking forward to working with all of you, especially the families, to grow and strengthen our Together in Christ Collaborative."